20 March 2006


Hmmn.  I watched this on Dvd last night and I just wasn't that taken with it.  Maybe I'm missing something, but it didn't grab me as particularly clever or special.  And oscar worthy?  I just dunno. 
Don't get me wrong though I thoroughly enjoyed it and was entertained by it.  There was just something not-brilliant about it.  Will try and put my finger on it...
In the meanwhile I'm planning to go off to see Tsotsi at Rio tonight (Monday is cheap night in these parts).  I have heard less about how good this movie may be, so I'm hoping for a surprise.
I'm prepping homemade hummus at the moment.  The chick peas have recently been deemed tender, the gas then turned off, and now the lidded cooling pot is sucking in air, my own aural display of thermodynamic law. 
Thought I'd share that with you...


Anonymous said...

I think I’m gonna chuck
My stomach’s cramping up
My pipes begin to buck
Good luck with that chuck

Anonymous said...

wtf? that s'posed to be sung like in time with 'My Humps' by BEPeas? And wtf does it mean? I think some crazy-nasty done posted on my blog again, and it weren't me. Take it back, I say, take it back!

And in answer to the question-comment-author, I have me no good idea about that. I seem to recall a Cal and a Svend association with it after my time, but in all probability I'm just blame shifting or defamation or some such shit.

Anyways wtf you think I can do about it? I'm in the UK OK! And I sure as eggs didn't pack that in with my undies and carry it for six months through SEAsia on the way here. Even if I did have it I ain't got it now, so quit pestering me with your pampered puny pointless questions.
