16 February 2006

London Obs#1

Just a wee post on one of the noted* excesses of London.  Street sweepers, you know those great big truck + vacuum gutter sweepers they have in cities, come past my place an average of three times a day - usually between 6-8am, then in the early arvo and then late at night 8-10pm.  I've counted five sweepers in one day.

As far as I can tell, the vast majority of street swept rubbish is cigarette butts.  This is due to two factors; people have to smoke outside (except in pubs and restaurants) and the smoking culture is to throw the butts onto the pavement when done.

There are a LOT of smokers in London.  Therefore there are a lot of butts thrown out on the average day.  This requires the vigilant army of street sweepers to remover them.  What a complete waste...

* By noted, I mean observed.

1 comment:

strong light said...
